Eyeliner can dramatically enhance the eyes by adding definition and form to the eye. Use an eyeliner brush that is soft and easy to apply. Use an eyeliner pencil that is soft. Test a variety of pencils on the inner wrist to determine how easy they are to apply. Avoid eyeliners that are hard and stiff. Use blacks and browns for a neutral look, or choose greens, blues and other colors for a more vibrant look.
Step 1
Start with clean eyes. Remove all oil and makeup products by wiping eyes with an oil-free eye makeup remover. Apply a foundation or eye makeup base to the upper eyelid.
Step 2
Sharpen the pencil before each use. Sharpening the pencil gives a defined point to work with and removes any bacteria on the tip.
Step 3
Hold the eyelid taut with your finger. Draw a line on the upper eyelid, as close to the lash line as possible. Start on the outer portion of the lid and move the line inward. Attempt to make one smooth line without stopping.
Step 4
Smudge the line using a cotton swab. Blending the line gives a soft look to the upper line. Fill in any spaces with eye shadow that matches the liner.
Step 5
Line the bottom lashes. Either run the liner on the bottom lid as close to the lashes as possible or on the water line. The water line is the inner line of the eye that is moist. Several coats may be needed to line the water line because it's wet.
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